Jul 10, 2019
Image of a happy couple driving with sunglasses on.

The summer heat has certainly arrived in the Nashville area. And while this is something most of us are accustomed to, sometimes it still surprises. Opening a car that’s been baking in the sun all day, for example, can elicit some choice words from a driver. But these tips can help you keep your car cool this summer.

Park in the Shade

Though it may seem obvious, this is something many people forget, especially in the mornings when it’s not very hot yet. Instead of opting for the space closest to your office or home, you’ll be happier if you find one under a shady tree. If that’s not an option, you may also want to consider parking in a garage.

Use a Window Visor

Though it won’t stop your Nissan from getting hot, a window visor can help lower the temperature a little. Plus, it will keep direct sunlight off of the seats and steering wheel. Putting one in your back window is also a good idea.

Try a Steering Wheel Towel

How often do you get in your hot car and burn your hands on a scalding steering wheel? You can avoid this by putting something over it, such as a towel.

Crack the Windows

For security purposes, you may lock and seal your car up tight whenever you leave it anywhere, but letting a little air in can make things cooler. Even just cracking a back window an inch or two can make a difference.

Get a Solar-Powered Fan

A fan can help keep your car cool while you’re gone, but it doesn’t have to be one that requires a plug or batteries. You can get one that’s solar-powered, and it will keep the air circulating for hours.

Chances are when you get into your hot car, you immediately crank up the A/C. But if it’s not working well, our service center at Nissan of Cookeville can diagnose the problem and make sure it gets fixed.