Dec 12, 2019

The harsh winter weather will hit Crossville before you know it, so your car needs to be ready. If you drive a Nissan Rogue, you probably already know that this SUV is adept at handling less-than-perfect road conditions, but if the brakes aren’t functioning properly, this puts you and your passengers in danger. If you’ve noticed any of the following red flags, it’s time to have your brakes look at:


If the brakes feel spongy when you apply them or you have to push the pedal almost all the way to the floor to get your car to stop, this could indicate a brake fluid leak. Leaks are common around cylinders and calipers.

Grinding or Squealing Sound

If you hear a grinding sound when braking, this could be due to worn brake pads, but it may also be the result of rust around the drum surface or brake shoes. If there is a squealing noise, this is actually a good thing, as it’s your car’s indicator telling you that something is wrong. Generally in this instance the brake pads or shoes need to be replaced.


Does the steering wheel vibrate when you step on the brake pedal? This is another big sign that something is not right with the brakes. Most likely this is happening because the brake rotor has come out of alignment with the wheel.

Dashboard Alert

Even if there aren’t any noticeable symptoms, your Nissan Rogue may detect something before you can. If the brake light alert comes up on the dashboard, don’t wait to get your brakes inspected.

Whatever issues are affecting your brakes, our Nissan service center in Cookeville will figure out what’s wrong and make sure you get the right repair or replacement. Contact us to make an appointment.